1789: The Shadow Warriors – Chapter Two

Title: The Shadow Warriors
Author: Shadow knight1121
Media: Comics
Topic: Justice League
Genre: Crime/Mystery
URL: Chapter 2
Critiqued by BatJamags (GoodJamags and BadJamags)

Hello! *Waves* I’m your guest host, GoodJamags, and I’m back for more of the Edgy Edgelords. I mean the Shadow Warriors!

BadJamags can’t be with us today for reasons that don’t involve his being tied up in the basement.

Muffled Voice: I didn’t even think we had a basement!

Quiet, you! Anyway, last time, our edgy protagonist by the name of Shadow attacked an evil night club, sucked at it, but got away with it anyway. Also, he made a “your mom” joke and expected to be taken seriously. I was forced to disappoint him.

Well then, let’s see what we’ve got in store for us today!

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