240: Control – Chapter Fifteen, Part Two

Title: Control
Author: Jckash03 (Now permanently referred to as Jackass)
Media: Television / Movie
Topic: Dragon Ball Z
Genre: Suspense / Romance
URL: Control – Chapter Fifteen
Critiqued by Lyle
Submitted by Blessed8be

Warning: Torture and sex.  You’ve been warned.

*throws confetti cake*  We’re at the second half of chapter fifteen, which means next week I’ll be able to do something else for a while!  I already know which fic I’m going to take down and I’m excited to get started on it.  But first, I have to trudge through this sewage-filled piece of “literature.”

Last time on “Control” we watched as Android-sensei became pretty much everyone’s favorite character by actually laying some smack-down on Bra-Sue… who promptly tried to pee on him.  Because that’s a great way to make us like her character.  *insert eye-roll here*  Right before we ended last time, Bra lit up a cigarette in their pee-scented classroom and Android-sensei asked her what she thought she was doing.

Let’s see what the end of chapter fifteen has in store for us!

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