233: Animagus Predator – Chapter Three, Part Four

Title: The Animagus Predator
Author: Bijuui9
Media: Book / Movie
Topic: Harry Potter / Aliens/Predator Cross-Over
Genre: Romance / Sci-Fi
URL: The Animagus Predator – Chapter Three
Critiqued by Ghostcat

Well dear Patrons, it looks like we have finally made it to the end of Animagus Predator!

:does Happy Dance:

This last little bit is not quite as head-bashingly terrible as the previous segment, but it’s still pretty awful.

Very little of what occurs in the first three-fourths of this chapter trickles down this far, so I’m not going to do an extensive recap. Pretty much all you need to know is that Harry Stu owns three-fourths of Hogwarts’ buildings, half of its grounds, has a shit-ton of money and meaningless titles, and is some sort of super-powerful shapeshifter who has done very little actual shapeshifting.

There was a very long and meandering conference between Professor McGonagall and Harry Stu that began with her concerns about all the classes he had signed up for and ended with the professor excusing him from all further classwork, which was the opposite of what he wanted to begin with, followed by some mildly squicky hugging that I’d rather not dwell on before the two Apparated out of McGonagall’s office and went to dinner. (And just because it bears repeating, he is the Master of Death and owns a Jungle of Death that isn’t really a jungle but does contain every creature in existence and also a castle. Because every Stu needs a castle.)

:toots bugle:

And we’re off!

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