653: Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 6

Title: Twitanic: Blue Eyes
AuthorNeleh the eccentric girl
Media: Book / Movie
Topic:  Twilight/Titanic
Genre: Romance / Drama
URL:    Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 6
Critiqued by Ghostcat

Humorous greetings, Patrons!

I’m here with the last of the old chapters before we move on to the author’s newer stuff. You can tell that I’m really looking forward to that.

So what happened last time? The majority of Jacob’s pack was twiddling their dew-claws outside the zombie house, Jack wimps out about the snow – because it is snowing now –  and then Leah imprinted on Jack. Jack still thinks Leah is a large wolf, but was showing signs of infatuation regardless of the difference in their species. How very progressive of him.



Deep calming breaths, Ghostie.

The Cullens lived in a modern mansion deep in the woods.

It was just over the river, not far from Grandmother’s House but before you reached the Gingerbread Cottage.

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646: Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 5

Title: Twitanic: Blue Eyes
AuthorNeleh the eccentric girl
Media: Book / Movie
Topic:  Twilight/Titanic
Genre: Romance / Drama
URL:    Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 5
Critiqued by Ghostcat

Y’ello, illustrious Patrons!

Here I am with yet another chapter of Twitanic strangeness. In the last chapter we were treated to a very long and somewhat disjointed conversation between Edward and Rose where he disclosed the sparkleshame and informed Rose that there was a “treat” against her and Jack. He never got around to specifying exactly what the problem was, as he became distracted by half-assed exposition. The chapter ended with Rose leaving Jack, who was told nothing, at home with some of the friendly werewolves/shapeshifters outside for protection while she went to the Cullens’ house to (somehow) prove she wasn’t a threat. I’m hoping she proves how helpless she is by dying easily, thus preventing her character from being assassinated. That’s probably too much to hope for, though.

If this chapter is anything like the others … :fluffs headdesking pillow:

Best to be prepared.

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639: Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 4

Title: Twitanic: Blue Eyes
AuthorNeleh the eccentric girl
Media: Book / Movie
Topic:  Twilight/Titanic
Genre: Romance / Drama
URL:    Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 4
Critiqued by Ghostcat

Hello, dear Patrons!

Well, I’m here at what will hopefully be the halfway point (the fic is still active) for my newest Twitanic fic.

In the last chapter we took a delightful little spin around in Bella’s head that was, predictably,  much like being in Jack’s noggin. Via some vague conversation with the Cullens, we learned that Bella wants to spill the beans to Jack and Rose, because reasons, but everyone else is against this. Suddenly, and quite likely from behind, Jacob arrives with a plot device – Sam wants to kill Jack and Rose! Because reasons, obviously. Once this death threat against people they have no relationship with is revealed, the Cullens agree to let the two zombies in on their secret. Edward volunteers to tell Rose, which is probably what today’s chapter covers.

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632: Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 3

Title: Twitanic: Blue Eyes
AuthorNeleh the eccentric girl
Media: Book / Movie
Topic:  Twilight/Titanic
Genre: Romance / Drama
URL:    Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 3
Critiqued by Ghostcat

Namasté, my serene Patrons!

I’m back with another helping of Twitanic to slake your badfic thirsts. Before we dive into this week’s offering, let’s see what happened last time.

:flips through notes:

Not a whole hell of a lot by the look of it. Jack and Bella had some awkward conversation and that was about all. It does look to me like Bella has twigged to the fact that Jack is one of the undead, but it is possible that she hasn’t yet. It’s also possible that Zachary Levi will call me up tomorrow and ask me to go bowling, but I’m not holding my breath.

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627: Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 2

Title: Twitanic: Blue Eyes
AuthorNeleh the eccentric girl
Media: Book / Movie
Topic:  Twilight/Titanic
Genre: Romance / Drama
URL:    Twitanic: Blue Eyes – Chapter 2
Critiqued by Ghostcat

How-do, fantabulous Patrons, and a very Happy Valentine’s Day to you! Unfortunately I cannot send each of you fresh-cut flowers or chocolates shaped like the symbolic representation of a lover’s buttocks as seen from behind that oddly shares the same name as our central organ of circulation, but I do have something just as good – the second chapter of the second Twitanic fic loaded with awkward character interactions!

Yeah, I know. I’ll see what I can do about the candy buttocks.

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