2468: Halloween Oneshots – Spooptoberfest End

Title: A Sith’s Halloween
Author: Master Darth Warious – Lady of Chaos
Media: Movie
Topic: Star Wars
Genre: Spoopy Horror, Humor
URL: A Sith’s Halloween
Critiqued by TacoMagic

You might have noticed that yesterday I posted a guest shot and instead I’m posting my riff today.  That’s because we were out of spoop-themed guest posts, which was a problem because today is


And we’re going to end this like we started it, with some Star Wars!  But, this time the fic is actually about Halloween!


Our Star Wars correspondent is absent this week due to a sudden compelling need to spend all day on the heat rock, so we’ll just muddle through without him.

Onward to glory and summary!

An in-between Story for Two Sith Lords and an elf.

I immediately regret my life choices!

“Two Sith Lords and an Elf” is a collection of various fics written by Warious that is kind of its own little fan canon.  Based on the handfull of chapters I read, it’s a super cringy collection of small fics that all star herself.  I’ll probably get around to riffing those some day, but you don’t really need to know much about them for this little Halloween spinoff.

Darth Maul and Darth Warious give an account of what happened one October month in preparation for Halloween.

That’s what we call a “nothing fic confirmation” ’round these parts.

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