2204: Love & Bullets – Chapter One, Part Two

[FILLER POST – Due to a file naming SNAFU back when I was a guest riffer, this riff was never posted. I never pointed it out because you guys honestly didn’t miss much. More recently, I figured I’d save it in the drafts for a rainy, riffless day. A day just like today, as it happens. This was written at the same time as the other Love & Bullets riffs that started going up back in 2016 or 2017 sometime, and I’ve not heavily edited it, so there are a few references that might not make sense anymore, but there they are. – Bats]

Title: Love & Bullets
Author: MissScorp
Media: Comics
Topic: Batman
Genre: Drama/Romance
URL: Chapter One
Critiqued by BatJamags (BadJamags and GoodJamags)

Hello, once again, patrons! I’m your guest host, BatJamags-

GoodJamags: So am I!

– and this moron and I are back for more of Love & Bullets. Last time, a Sue beat up some thugs in an alley. That’s it. Now we get to Nightwing babbling about how amazing the Sue is, so let’s dive in!

As much as I hate to acknowledge this, I know this little hellcat will willingly lay her life down in order to save mine.

GoodJamags: Why do you hate to acknowledge it?

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1778: Love & Bullets – Chapter Twelve

Title: Love & Bullets
Author: MissScorp
Media: Comics
Topic: Batman
Genre: Drama/Romance
URL: Chapter 12
Critiqued by BatJamags (BadJamags and GoodJamags)

What do you need us for? count: 12

Bullet count: 0

Dick is a dick count: 9

Hello, once again, patrons! I’m your guest host, BadJamags…

GoodJamags: … And I’m your guest guest host, GoodJamags…

… And we’re back for more of Love & Bullets, the fic that’s about to END!

Last time, after a lot of utterly pointless dilly-dallying, Raya Sue finally just said “Yes,” to Dick’s proposal (or rather, his ninth one, by my count), and the story should’ve ended right there. But it didn’t. So here’s the epilogue, starting with a slightly different author’s note for once.

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1772: Love & Bullets – Chapter Eleven

Title: Love & Bullets
Author: MissScorp
Media: Comics
Topic: Batman
Genre: Drama/Romance
URL: Chapter 11
Critiqued by BatJamags (BadJamags and GoodJamags)

What do you need us for? count: 12

Bullet count: 0

Dick is a dick count: 9

Hello, once again, patrons! I’m your guest host, BadJamags…

GoodJamags: … And I’m your guest guest host, GoodJamags…

… And we’re back for more of Love & Bullets, the fic that’s finally almost fucking over. This chapter is called “Marry me,” so presumably something will actually happen. But of course there’s an epilogue after this. There just had to be a fucking epilogue, because otherwise the fic would end.

GoodJamags: Let’s just skip the canned author’s note and jump right in.

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1762: Love & Bullets – Chapter Ten

Title: Love & Bullets
Author: MissScorp
Media: Comics
Topic: Batman
Genre: Drama/Romance
URL: Chapter 10
Critiqued by BatJamags (BadJamags and GoodJamags)

WARNING: Author still thinks she can write about domestic abuse. Given that she can’t write healthy interpersonal relationships, my hopes aren’t high. Thankfully, it’s still just referenced and not shown.

What do you need us for? count: 12

Dick is a dick count: 7

Bullet count: 0

Hello, once again, patrons! I’m your guest host, BadJamags…

GoodJamags: … And I’m your guest guest host, GoodJamags…

… And we’re back for more of Love & Bullets, the fic that should be over already. Last time, we had another pointless fucking flashback. This time, we’ll dive into chapter 10 and hope that the fic will actually do something.

GoodJamags: And in case you’re wondering, no. The canned author’s note hasn’t gone away. Sadly. It’s not that bad on a first viewing, but at the top of every chapter, it’s just frustrating to see.

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1756: Love & Bullets – Chapter Nine

Title: Love & Bullets
Author: MissScorp
Media: Comics
Topic: Batman
Genre: Drama/Romance
URL: Chapter 9
Critiqued by BatJamags (BadJamags and GoodJamags)

What do you need us for? count: 12

Dick is a dick count: 7

Bullet count: 0

Hello, once again, patrons! I’m your guest host, BadJamags…

GoodJamags: … And I’m your guest guest host, GoodJamags…

… And we’re back for more of Love & Bullets, the fic where I’ve literally lost count of how many chapters it’s been since the plot moved forward. So far, the format has just been:

Someone points out something entirely logical.

A pointless flashback meant to counter their point happens, but fails to actually address the point.

A cliffhanger happens that doesn’t actually lead to anything different from what we’ve been seeing this whole time.

GoodJamags: So, let’s hope that chapter nine will actually do something.

If it does, it’ll be after the canned author’s note.

GoodJamags: And the line break! Don’t forget the line break!

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