2772: Anon-A-Miss — Pages 1 through 16

The comic under review today is a professionally published work by IDW Comics. Portions of it are reproduced here for the purposes of criticism and analysis only. We encourage those who are interested to seek out an original copy.


Title: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Holiday Special or something
A whole lot of people working for IDW Comics
My Little Pony / Equestria Girls
Holiday or Family, maybe?
IDW Store Link
Critiqued by
AdmiralSakai and Serketry


*All is quiet in RIFFCON. The overhead lights are turned off, monitors are powered down, and rollie-chairs are unoccupied. After several months of nothing much happening, the door in the far wall creaks open, revealing AdmiralSakai in all of his bespectacled, cargo-pantsed glory. (An incredibly minute capacity for glory is still glory, right?).*

That’s what all those pockets are for, aren’t they, sir?

Gaaah! How did you get in here! There are a finite number of keycards and I took away everyone else’s.

I… never left? 

Uhm. I mean, nothing is dusty and there aren’t any cobwebs, so… thanks? I’d ask what you ate, but I know ants can eat electrical wiring so I’ll just leave the lights turned off for the foreseeable future and we can forget this ever happened, mmmkay?

Oh, right. Howdy y’all, I’m Serketry, and I haven’t left this office in over a year. It’s dangerous outside!

So… what’re you doing here? 

I’m here for riffing? Used to be kind of my thing before writing stories for other people to read kind of briefly engulfed my entire online presence? Figured I’d come back with something a little different this time- a canon spinoff work, namely My Little Pony: The 2014 Holiday Comic, by IDW, an actual honest-to-god comics company and not some random person on the Internet with an overly edgy RWBY avatar.

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