2723: Bella’s Lost World – Chapter 5

Title: Bella’s Lost World
Author: Godric’sGirlForever
Media: Movie
Topic: Twilight/Jurassic Park/World
Genre: Adventure/Drama
URL: Chapter 5
Critiqued by Ghostcat




Hello, dear Patrons, and welcome back to the fic!

In the last chapter, Bella & Co were on a boat and should get to the island at some point. Probably. And Edward picked Kelly up from the “air department” – or what normal people call an ‘airport’ – and there was some discussion about how much Bella dislikes shopping.

That’s pretty much it. These chapters are light, both on word count and actual substance.

Hey guys thanks for all the lovin. I loved all the reviews. so because i got 6 reviews in one day i’ll give you guys a reward a nice LONG chapter.

That doesn’t really feel like a reward to me.

This chapter is a bit longer than previous chapters; on average they have been around a thousand or so words and this one clocks in at a bit over thirteen hundred. That’s what, about two paragraphs extra?


I googled BPOV and got a bunch of medical-sounding stuff involving diabetes and injecting rats with experimental chemicals, so there’s that.

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