1600: Heroes and Villains – Chapter Ten, Part One

Title: Heroes and Villains
Author: Horrible’s Igor
Media: Television / Movies
Topic: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer / Kitchen Sink
Genre: Supernatural/Drama
URL: Heroes and Villains (Now Defunct)
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Eliza

“Hi, Everyone!  Look who’s back!”

*Taco grumbles*

“You’re just grumpy because the Darkwraiths forgot to take the soup out of the cans before loading the soup cannon.”

At this point, I don’t expect anything else from them.  No, I’m grumpy because this week the fic is really stupid, and is almost entirely dialogue.  Plus the author does something really inane to start out our chapter, which you’ll see when we get there.

“Isn’t it normally mostly dialogue?”

Yes, and this week Igor has done away with most of that small portion of narrative the rest of the fic has.  And then, toward the end of the chapter, Dr. Horrible has a long, rambling monologue that makes me want to remove my brain and step on it.

“You make it sound so good!”

So, recap?

“More talking.  Elsa and the prisoners shared some awkwardness before Willow bust in and sent Elsa off to renegotiate the terms of the agreement with Bad Horse.  Elsa promptly forgets what she’s supposed to be doing, and instead goes and talks to Dr. Horrible.  They share a ‘moment’ and then Elsa takes off without anything getting resolved.”

Sounds like I missed a lot.


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