767: My Immortal – Chapter Thirty-Six, Thirty-Seven, and Thirty-Eight

Title: My Immortal
Author: Tara (reposted by the lovely internet trolls)
Media: Book / Movie
Topic:  Harry Potter
Genre: Romance / angst
URL:  My Immortal – Chapter 36, 37 and 38
Critiqued by Lyle

Hello everyone!  Today is a special day for me!  I’m actually on vacation and it’s Mr. Lyle’s birthday!  In honor of his big 3-0, here’s some more My Immortal riffing!

Don’t worry… I did get him more than a badfic riff for his birthday.

So, last time on My Immortal, Ebony went back in time again via the wrong methods.  She saw the potions teacher and then Voldemort asked her out to a concert for a band that didn’t exist yet.  Then she went to the common room and met a young Lucius Malfoy.  He introduced her to the Marauders – minus Peter – and they told her they were going to be the backup band for Marilyn Manson.  Then they invited her to sing for them because fuck Manson.  Ebony left to try to find her way back in time so she could go shopping for something appropriate to wear to the concert.  In a move that makes me call this out for a Troll-fic, Marty McFly shows up to tell her how to get back to her own time.

I’d like to mention that the usual website I get the fic off of has reached its bandwidth limit and was unavailable when I started this riff.  So I snagged it off another site that has it posted.  Ah, internets… you make my job so easy.

With that, let’s start on the next chapter!

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