503: From Another World – Chapters 19 & 20

Title: From Another World
Author: EclipsePheniox
Media: Video Game
Topic:  Mass Effect / Parallel Realities
Genre: Supernatural/Romance/AU
URL: From Another World Chapter 19 & Chapter 20
Critiqued by Erttheking


Anyone want to fill me in?

He read the latest chapter of From Another World.  Could you keep it down pal?  The latest issue of cybernetics weekly just came in, some crazy son of a bitch invented an eye that shoots lasers.  Gonna try to see if I can modify it to shoot plasma bolts.

*Takes a deep breath*.  So yeah, a new chapter of From Another World came out, chapter 41 for the records involved a FUCKING STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID THING!  Look, I’m just going to make something perfectly clear.  I don’t hate EP.  I have no ill will towards the guy.  I’m not one of those people on the internet who sends someone death threats for working on something that I don’t like.  But this story is just fucking horrendous!  Chapter 41 neatly captures everything that is wrong with this story.  Not to mention the way he treats women raises its ugly head again, and it is by far the MOST DISGUSTING…no wait, there’s another one before that that is worse.  All I’ll say is that it involves Kim and we’ll get to it before too long.  Both incidents may drive me to record a webcam video to capture my rage.

Herr suggested that I flat out tell EP about the snarking I’ve been doing, and personally I’m very torn about the issue.  On the one hand I really do want the guy to improve as an author and I’ve tried polite criticism and it hasn’t been working.  On the other hand the amount of hate and foul language I’ve put into these reviews…let me make one thing perfectly clear.  For the most part, my hatred in this review has been exaggerated for the sake of comedic effect.  I do hate From Another World but I don’t hate EP.  Still, it’ll be more than easy for someone to take this the wrong way, and cyber-bullying is a very real thing, and frankly I just can’t get as mad at EP as I do InHarmsWay.  InHarmsWay seems very deliberately malicious in his actions, EP just seems kinda stupid…so right now I don’t know what to do.  I’ll get back to you on that but for the moment…let’s just get to the next chapter.

Blah, blah, blah, honestly some people and their drama.  *Flips a page*.  HA!  I knew that they would like my chainsaw arms!

Seriously, I’m blowing his brains off if he gets anywhere near something sharp.

You do that.

Chapter 19:  Archangel and the Angle of Death

So, last time we left off Aria pointed Shepard and co in the directions of Mordin and Gar-I mean Archangel…ok seriously, you know it’s Garrus.  Even if you aren’t a Mass Effect fan Herr’s review of Parallel Realties should’ve put you in the know.  And that’s the thing, why are we even bothering to PRETEND that this is a reveal?  EP doesn’t even have the excuse of plot regurgitation!

The mission to recruit Mordin Solus was successful. Shepard and his squad were able to inject the cure to the plague in the ventilation system. Mordin joined the crew shortly after saving the district. Now Shepard had to pick up his old friend.

SEE!?  If it was going to be a reveal, then the author just botched it there!  Also, I raised a bit of a fit over going to Mordin over Garrus last chapter, and someone made a valid point about there being a plague and Garrus being more than able to defend himself.  This points out another problem though, if Garrus is so safe and the plague such a dire situation, how come we’re showing Shepard helping the person who doesn’t really need his help, and NOT an entire district on Omega nearly getting wiped out!?  Oh right, InHarmsWay did it.  Seriously, who is dumber?  The person who does something stupid, or the person who watches and copies him?

Anyway, the story follows plot word for word here.  Even when it makes no sense at all.

 “In is going to be easy,” Zaeed remarked. “Out is going to be a bitch.”

I’m starting to get the feeling I should’ve made a “See Herr’s review” counter for all the complaints that can just pluck from his review, but that honestly would just be lazy of me.  And we’d be here all fucking day.  Garrus has a small ARMY Zaeed!  Heck, in game you fend off all three merc groups with just four people, I think TWENTY four is more than enough to hold them off, AND stage a counter attack!  Are you sure Vido didn’t try and off you because your incompetence kept getting your mercs killed?

Heck, I got a 10:1 K/D ratio with my army.  And I was fighting a coalition of Geth, Enclave and rebel forces with just ten thousand guys.

Not to mention you had the life preservation skills of a Mole Rat in a Deathclaw nest.

Spending too much time worrying about not dying is pointless and exhausting.  It comes when it comes, we can only delay it.  No point in struggling.  *Flips a page*  OHHHHHHHHH a juicer!

Anyway, Shepard goes in and starts talking to the merc leaders.  Why EP thought that this exposition was worth regurgitating, I have NO FUCKING IDEA!  Maybe he thought if he threw in little scraps here and there about how Mass Effect used to be a deep and rich universe we’d end up eating a feast.

Anyway, blah blah blah, trivia on the merc groups, the head of the Blue Suns recognizing Zaeed (You’d think that Vido would’ve put a hit out on the guy’s head), hacking Eclipse’s mechs, and Shepard grabbing the datapad about the plan to take out Aria.  You literally missed nothing.  It’s funny because Shepard out of nowhere starts talking like he’s in a dialogue tree despite it trouncing on the whole “Super intelligent” thing.  Yahtzee was right, it really is awkward for people to walk up to you and start talking like this.  “Tell me about x.  Tell me more about x.  I’m done talking about x.  Tell me about y.”

Also, we get this little chestnut with the Blue Suns engineer working on the gunship.

Shepard walked up to him from behind. The Batarian turned around too see a fist flying toward him. The impact of the fist on his skull nearly killed him.”Your working too hard.” Shepard quipped before he snapped the Batarian’s neck.

You know it’s funny, I could’ve sworn way back at the start of the story Shepard said that he didn’t kill people if they were unarmed.  Guess he’s full of shit.

(Our Hero Counter: 17)

After taking a shit on his precious moral code, Shepard jumps out and slaughters the freelance mercs that were working for a three digit paycheck and were flat out being used as cannon fodder.  Oh yeah, you must feel so badass.

Pardon me.

The door panel turned green. Shepard entered inside and saw close to two dozen soldiers pepping their weapons. Shepard spotted a Turian clad in blue armour. “Archangel?”

The Turian signalled him to wait a minute. A freelancer peeked around a corner and got shot in the head. The Turian turned around and rested his sniper rifle next to him. He reached for his helmet and removed it. Archangel let out a small chuckle.

“Bout time you came back from the dead. If you took any longer I was planing to go to hell and drag your ass out.”

“Ha well it’s not exactly the easiest feat,” Shepard quipped smiling.

Shepard, that isn’t a fucking quip.  Garrus saying he’d drag your ass out of Hell is more of a quip than what you said…in fact what does what you said even fucking mean?

I don’t know.  Does he really like it in Hell or something?  Is it that invading Hell isn’t easy?  Because that’s not a quip, that’s stating the obvious.

“It’s good to have you back, Shepard.”

“Good to be back. I kind of figured you were Archangel.”

“Odd that you’re not more surprised that he’s alive,” Mordin commented.

There was a slight moment of barely noticeable panic that came across his face. “I’ve fought by the Commander for a while. I’m not convinced anything can kill him.”

“So why Omega?”

“I got sick of C-Sec. Things just got worse after the battle of the Citadel. I wasn’t able to help anyone. Here on Omega it is simple. All you need to do is point and shoot. And thanks to your… ‘friends , I had the resources to do it. Your friend has been phenomenal help as well.”

“Where is she, by the way?”

“I’m right here, hero,” she answered. The Tiberian decloaked to his right. “It is good to see you again.”

“Likewise.” Shepard said getting an uneasy feeling from Ki’lsa.

First of all, Mordin doesn’t talk like this.  Talks like this.  No pronouns.  Hyper, even by Salarian standards.  I’ll admit he’s tricky to write for, but it didn’t take me too long to get his mannerisms down.  It didn’t take me too long to get his CHARACTER down either, but now I’m just asking too much of you.  I mean, writing people in character is clearly below you.

Second of all, Shepard isn’t a fucking hero.  A hero is someone who puts his ass on the line or sacrifices his own safety for the safety and well being of others.  Shepard gets everything he wants thrown at him and is rarely inconvenienced.

Third, why was Kim cloaked when on a rampart filled with soldiers?  Kind of pointless darling.  People were going to be shooting up there anyway.

Finally, why are you getting an uneasy feeling Sheppy?

He’s talking to a woman in From Another World.  Why do you think?

Oh goody.

*Walks in with a wheel barrel.*  You remember how that one kid at the start of Garrus’ recruitment mission bought a pistol for 50 credits?  Apparently all of these people shop at the same store.  And apparently you get what you pay for.

Mordin noticed her eyes. “Hmmm, fascinating. Your eyes, definitely synthetic. Very advance model. Unlike anything I’ve seen before. Who gave you your eyes?”

“I don’t know,” she answered.

“Hmm, well I would help to know what kind of make they are.”

“Sorry all I know is how to use them.”

Wha?  That doesn’t make any god damn sense at all.  How do you not know who gave you your eyes?  Either this is a very stupid build up or she’s trying to lie to cover up where she got them.  In that case she’s the worse liar ever.  Or maybe it’s a homage to the fact she’s standing in for Telio the Mary Sue.  I hesitate to call her a rip off.  She kinda is, but at the same time she’s done more than Telio.  So yeah, no idea what’s going on with her eyes…..

Why are you looking at me like that?  You honestly think I would stop with just the eyes?

“This is the Angel of Death, I’ve heard about?” Zaeed scoffed. “She’s barely in her late twenties.”

Ki’sla moved so fast that she basically vanished in front of them and appeared in front of Zaeed with her knifes crossed in front of his neck. “I’d be more cautious if I were you. I have killed hundreds of mercenaries and criminals who made the mistake of judging me by my age.” She lowered her weapons.

You know, more often than not a forced scene dedicated to make a character look badass makes them look more like short tempered douche bags.  This is one of those scenes.  Kim, if you’re going to blow your top everyone brings up your age you’re going to develop serious anger issues…then again you’re a woman.  In From Another World having anger issues is a default state for a woman.  Also anyone else find it odd that she claims hundreds of people have judged her by her age?  Did she get into a conversation with every last one of them that caused them to bring it up before she killed them?….Is Kim a serial killer?

 A Turian came up to them. “They’re deploying mechs.”

“They’ve been hacked,” Shepard said.

“Though the Eclipse are likely to come out after the mechs are finished. Sidonis, go get everyone ready for when that happens.”

“Yes, sir.” He went back to helping the preparations with the other vigilantes.

“Good soldier,” Garrus said. “One of my best. Blue Suns tried to capture him once, but Teilo here came to his rescue. Now I believe we have mercenaries to deal with.”

Oh, hi Sidonis.  The author clearly forgot that you’re a bit of a coward that sold out all of his friends when you were just threatened huh?

The LOKI mechs just stood on the bridge until the Eclipse soldiers tried going over the barricade. The mechs immediately awakened and opened fire on the mechs. Archangel’s group cheered as they watched Eclipse get slaughtered on the bridge. Occasionally the mercs would destroy one of the mechs. This kept up until the last of the LOKIs was destroyed. The last wave of Eclipse soldiers, along with Jareth hopped over the barricade along with a YMIR mech.

“They’re not too smart are they?” Zaeed remarked.

“No, they’re not,” Shepard answered.

The Eclipse soldiers focused their attention on the rogue YMIR mech. Garrus looked through his sniper scope and focused on Jareth. He pulled the trigger and the round blew half of Jareth’s head away. The last of the Eclipse mechs fired his submachine gun depleting the last of the YMIR mech’s life. It froze in place and fell forwards… onto the merc. The mercenary let out one last scream before he was crushed under the four ton mech.

Do I even need to comment on how stupid that all was?

Not really.  Seriously, mercs aren’t the brightest bunch, but give them some credit, they’re not THAT dumb.

After that, the Blood Pack infiltrates the basement and Shepard takes Kim to go and deal with it.  (Oh Christ, here we go)

Shepard and Ki’sa ran into the basement. There were three shutters that needed to be closed. The first one was directly in front of them. Shepard activated the shuttered and a countdown commenced. The door twenty feet in front of them opened revealing a Krogan and four Vorcha.

The Krogan roared and started charging at them. The shutter closed shut in front of the Krogan who ran into the door. “That’s one down,” Shepard said. “Two more.”

“John we need to talk.” Ki’sla said.

My God.  You’re actually doing this.

John sighed he knew this was coming and dreaded it.

“No now Ki’sla we got a job to do.” he said in Tiberian.

She became enraged. She just could not take being ignored any more.

“Yes we do.” she practically yelled. “You rejected me without even knowing tell me why choose a human over me?”

You’re seriously fucking doing this aren’t you?  Jesus Christ Kim I get it.  You’re a racist, petty, obsessive bitch just like every other woman in this story.

He sighed once again. When he was with Ki’sla before the infection they had a lot in common but something just felt off. He felt they should only be friends.

“Look Ki’sla what do you want me to say? I’m sorry the promise we made to each other before the infection is broken? Look I care about you as a friend but the feelings that I had for you where just fun feelings. I’ve found my soul mate so please accept it.”

…Did Shepard basically just tell her “Sorry Honey, you were just a quickie”?  WOW!

(Our Hero Counter: 18)

Ki’sla felt lower than dirt at that point. She could not help but love him. But there was only one way to get him to love her even if the idea made her sick.

Oh great!  Now it sounds like Kim is planning something along the lines of brainwashing to make Shepard her bitch, after Shepard basically told her to fuck off.  Can you please introduce a character that I DON’T want to beat over the head with a lead pipe!?  We’ve got self absorbed doucebag, his worshipers, MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Cerberus, a crazy bitch who may end up raping Shepard (FUCKING CLASSY) and random assholes who exist only to get beat up.  I am rooting for NO ONE!  Minus people who may end up killing Shepard.

They went towards the left. The tunnel had several Vorcha. Shepard biotically charged forward towards the nearest Vorcha killing it and the trooper next to it. He pulled out his assault rifle and started taking the Vorch down one by one. Ki’sla on the other hand just used dual pistols to pop the Vorcha’s heads open. They then made it to the door and John press the button.

“Why the hell do these doors have countdowns?” Tikus asked aloud.

“No clue,” Shepard muttered.

…I’m sorry was that supposed to be funny?  Because it wasn’t.  I can see someone making a joke out of something like that, but you need to do more to make a joke than just acknowledging that something exists.  It’s the difference between saying “Why is this elevator slow?” and saying “The elevator is going one kilometer per hour on the spaceship that goes twelve light years per day.  Can someone please explain to me how the fuck that happened?”  As it stands you’re going to the same school of comedy as Duke Nukem Forever.


They keep mowing down Krogan and Vorcha until the last shutter is closed, after which we cut back to the top.

“Get up here, Shepard,” Garrus said over the comm. “They’re coming in through the doors.”

A door on the first level opened up unleashing many Varren, Krogan Vorcha. Garm roared, “Rip them to shreds!” Garrus’ team took positions and started firing down on the approaching Blood Pack mercs. Garm charged up the stairs towards Garrus. Garrus got off one shot, but Garm’s biotic barrier blocked the shot. Garm grabbed Garrus by the neck and pinned him to the wall. Garm took out his shotgun and placed the barrel against Garrus’ head. “I’m going to enjoy this Archangel.”

Garrus couldn’t budge from Garm’s grip. Garm was just about to pull the trigger when he gagged. Shepard rushed in and took a shot at Garm that grabbed his attention. The Krogan warlord dropped the Turrian and turned to see a smoking pistol in a lone human male’s hands.

Before the Krogan could react Shepard charged forward and punched Garm in the gut. The Krogan was sent flying across the room. As the Krogan go up he found John in front of him. Before he could do anything Shepard punched Garm in the face so hard that the skull shattered and killed the Warlord.

He punched the guy so hard in the face he smashed his skull…ugh.

(God Mode Counter: 14)

People I hate to do this to you, but it’s a problem I have.  Too many characters.  Nora, it’s been fun, but I really think more than three people will be seriously pushing it.  Thank you for your input on female characters, but I need someone with an input on being insane.


I mean HEROICALLY insane.

Ah.  Continue.

Wait, does that mean-


HA!  Good luck with that!  See you guys around the block.  *Walks out*

So where is she?

She should be here in a few *CRASH* what the Hell!?

GAH!  I’m all right!  I’m ok!

Jesus Christ Cornelia!    Just because you can take the punishment doesn’t mean that my roof can!

Sorry!  I’ll fix it!  Oh, hey everyone!  Cornelia Lepidus here!

Cornelia, your resume please.

Ah right.  How do I put this lightly…well, I’ve been sucked out of a shuttle mid flight, I ran through a military controlled sector of a Batarian city with Wrex, I’ve gotten into sword sparing matches with Ash and a guy called Adam, I’ve fought a woman with a claw for a hand, I’ve jumped out of a ship in low orbit twice, and I’ve gotten into a sword fight with a Krogan where I pulled his crest off and stabbed him in the head.

And would you say that you’re qualified to speak on being over the top?

I am indeed.

What do you do that Shepard does not?

Well Shepard does all of his antics in the name of being “badass”.  It comes off as rather juvenile at times.  Like in the “Blood and tits are mature” kind of mindset.  I’m more over the top in the name of having a good time.  Didn’t you describe me as a shameless adrenaline junkie?

I did.

Well, there you go.  Also, I don’t own everyone in every fight I’m in, and in the aforementioned sword fight with the Krogan, I got stabbed through the gut and got an arm broken.

Would you like staying on board for the time being?


All right.  After that, the Blue Suns start swarming the place.

Several soldiers dropped in through the window. They didn’t stand a chance against the dozen and a half soldiers waiting for them. A second wave of soldiers came in through the window. Jentha, the Blue Suns second-in-command on Omega, was with them. This wave fared as well as the first.

Windows breaking on the first level alerted them to the infiltration down below. “These people are suicidal!” Ki’sla yelled.

“No, they just fucking stupid,” Zaeed remarked.

The hypocrisy in that statement flew right over your head didn’t it Zaeed?

They all gathered at the top of the stairs and shot any soldier that dared enter the compound. Finally the last soldier was gunned down which allowed Garrus to breathe a sigh of relief. The gunship came into view. Tarak screamed over the gunship’s speakers, “Archangel!” The turrets opened fire. Garrus managed to roll out of the way in time.

But a rocket launched from the gunship and hit the side of where Garrus was. Archangel was fung to the side of the room beading and unconscious.

“Ki’sla!” John yelled. “Take it down!”

Well it’s kind of nice to see Garrus actually get hurt.  Too bad it amounts to nothing, spoiler alert…put it away Goeth, he’s gonna make it.


Teilo went up beside him. She raised her arms and holographic panels and screens appeared all around her. Her hands swiftly typed all over as she stared at the gunship. “Auto-pilot override.”

“What the fuck?” Tarak said.

The gunship stopped firing on their position. The gunship flew closer to the floor and the cockpit hatched opened up. Ahepard aimed with his sniper scope at the exposed and restrained Tarak. “Fuck you!” he said before he fired a round into his head.

Teilo flew the gunship into the barricade causing it to explode. The warehouse was completely demolished. She broke her concentration and said, “That should take care of anyone left.”

Well, that was a giant wish fulfillment moment with no structure what so-wait WHAT!?

Teilo went up beside him





You know EP, if you’re going to steal ideas from other people, you can at least PRETEND to not insult my intelligence.

Douche nozzle.  Christ she’s giving a bad name to androids everyone.  *Looks around*  Oh sorry, I forgot to mention that.  Yeah I’m a synthetic, same technology used by the Commonwealth used to make Harkness, AKA, my dad.  Please hold all your “Do androids dream” questions, I really don’t care about that stuff. 

Anyway, they take Garrus onto the Normandy for medical treatment.  He goes through the “How ugly is it” routine, before he meets not-EDI

EDI’s holographic displayed disappeared.

“Well, that’s a relief.” Garrus chuckled. “Cerberus has no idea what’s in store for them. I wanted to thank you for your assistance.”

“Oh, I think you’ve could’ve handled yourself back there without me.”

“I mean the whole knighthood. On Omega I was able to do more than I ever did in C-Sec. All of that without breaking the Knight’s code of course. Innocents never got between us and our target. Ki’sla was phenomenal help. She was able to hack anything you could think of. All instantly. We actually were symbols on Omega. Criminals feared us, and the innocents revered us. I’ve also instructed Ki’sla to take over.”

Innocents never got hurt.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Yeah, I remember how America was so good at not hurting innocents in the War on Terror.

Yeah, I call bullshit too.  If a couple dozen people are running around with guns, and according to Kim racking up a triple if not quadruple digit body count, sooner or later at least one innocent person will get caught in the crossfire.  You know, kind of like that stupid kid who tried to sign up for the assault on Garrus’ base?  Would Garrus be proud about putting a bullet in his head?

Anyway, the section ends with them talking about heading to the Citadel and how the Council buried everything and how Shepard hopes that they’ll see the truth.  Well. that ends the chap-

A man walked through the metal corridors of asteroid space station. He then entered a room filled with people in black robes who sat in a circle with a man in white clothing standing in the middle. The man took a spare seat.

The room was now filled and the man in white then spoke a prayed with the others.

“My people we have gathered here today to put our plan into action.” he said. “The false King of Tiberia is once again walking with the intent of fulfilling the Black storm prophecy. A false prophecy predicted by a madman.”

The room then filled with nods and talking of agreement.

“We have also learnt that the false King has a human lover.” he spoke the last word with venom.

The room filled with noises of disgust.

“My people the Shardan rule has to end. Their rule has weakened us and steered us away from our true destiny. If we can sway the false King we will rule both galaxy’s and all other races will be our slaves. Because that is the true Tiberian destiny the time of the Kalka rule will soon begin!”

The room then burst into applause except for one. A man in a black man stood in the corner of the room unsure on how to fathom what he just witnessed.

“This may provide some problems for brother but we will see how this turns out.” he said before vanishing.

…Well that came right the Hell out of nowhere.  Also I think it was mentioned a couple of times in the past that Tiberian society was peaceful.  You can’t really be peaceful if you have the alien equivalent of the KKK!  I’m gonna let this one lie for now, we’ll get to it later.  Right now I want to get right to the next chapter.

Chapter 20: Family Treasures

Shepard touched down at the Presidium with Mordin and Garrus. He made the assumption that walking into the embassy with Miranda or Jacob, two Cerberus operatives, would not look good for him. Anyways, Garrus is famous among Turians and Mordin used to be part of the STG. They walked up the steps and entered inside the Human embassy in time to hear them speaking.

Eh…Garrus wasn’t THAT big of a name last time I checked.  Anyway, there’s a bit of copy pasted dialogue before we get to this.

“The Collectors are abducting human colonies across the Terminus Systems,” Shepard said to them. “Worse, we believe they’re working for the Reapers.”

“The Terminus Systems are beyond our jurisdiction,” Velarn scoffed. “Your colonists knew this when they left Council Space.”

“You’re missing the important part, Councilor,” Anderson butted in. “The Reapers are involved.”

Actually Shepard, you said that you BELIEVE that the Reapers were involved.  You lack hard evidence to support that claim until you get to Horizon and Husks start popping up.

“Ah yes, ‘Reapers’,” Velarn said while using finger quotes. “The immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space. We have dismissed that claim.”

Shepard couldn’t help but feel furious at not only his tone but by the fact that it was true that the Council still doesn’t believe the Reapers exist.

You know author, if you’re going to have characters blatantly parrot your own views, you can at least be a little SUBTLE about it.  I probably shouldn’t talk considering that I got pretty heavy handed with one character and her views on American politics, but I’d like to think I’d made up for it by her hardly being perfect and being involved with the deaths of tens of thousands of people, AND being more than willing to start a war.  Shepard has none of those flaws.

Anderson turned to him and said, “Shepard, no one else encountered the hologram on Ilos that told you the truth about the Reapers. Only you and your crew ever spoke to Sovereign. I believe you, but without evidence from another source, the others think Saren was behind the Geth attacks.”

“Why would the Geth follow Saren?” Shepard asked. “He’s an organic. He would have been killed as soon as he entered the Perseus Veil. The Geth only followed him because of Sovereign.”

“Saren was a compelling and charismatic individual,” Tevos answered. “He convinced the Geth the Reapers were real—just as he convinced you.”

“It was part of his plan to attack the Citadel,” Velarn said. “The Reapers are just a myth. One you keep on perpetuating.”

“We believe that you believe it, but that doesn’t make it true.”

“Go to Ilos and talk to Vigil or, hell, examine Sovereign!” Shepard argued. “It’s obvious that its technology is more advance than us. More advance than the Geth.”

Wait, does he think that he’s an expert on the Geth or something?  I mean he made that one upgrade that one time way back when, but he’s hardly an expert.  I mean, the Geth HAVE had three hundred years to advance their technology.

“The hologram on Ilos is no longer functioning,” Dalo said, “and we have found nothing to suggest that Sovereign was not a Geth creation.”

“The Geth are capable of remarkable technological achievements,” Tevos added. “This is probably why Saren recruited them.”

“Conclusion is illogical,” Mordin jumped in. “Sovereign’s composition does not match any Geth structure. Its weapon systems are not consistent with any Geth ship.”

What Cornelia said.  Seriously, the only Geth weapons you have are from Eden Prime and the battle of the Citadel.  Noveria, Feros and Virmire, MAYBE!  Even then the technological jumps in the Geth are massive.  I mean, look at heat sinks.

“That doesn’t mean that Sovereign was not a Geth creation, Professor,” Dalo argued. “Sovereign is likely just a one-time Geth superweapon.”

“This Reaper theory proves just how fragile your mental status is, Shepard,” Velarn said. “You have been manipulated—by Cerberus and before them, Saren.”

“That’s too far!” Garrus roared. “I was there! I saw Sovereign first hand. And it’s pretty damn hilarious you say he was manipulated by Saren. Shepard managed to convince Saren to turn on Sovereign during the battle for the Citadel. Saren opted to shoot himself in the head to stop Sovereign and help Shepard. I was there when we spoke to Sovereign. I was there when Sovereign possessed Saren’s dead body.”

“I remember you. Ex-Officer Vakarian. You quit from C-Sec two years ago. I’m afraid that testimony from one of Shepard’s crew members is not admissible evidence of the Reapers, due to loyalties they may have for you. As well as the evidence we have found.”

“This is a bad joke,” Shepard muttered. “You tell me that Sovereign is a Geth creation, yet Saren was able to convince the Geth, a race of sentient supercomputer AIs that a ship that THEY created is a Reaper. This is nothing but terrible circular logic.” Shepard took a step forward with anger across his face. “Just because there was one of them does not mean that there won’t be more.”

That is a lousy argument Shepard, I’ll give you that, but the problem is that that argument wasn’t actually used in canon and EP shoved it into the Council’s mouth just so that you could flawlessly deflect it.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:  When having two people arguing, make it so that both sides have a point.  It makes things interesting instead of you just wanking yourself off.

“We are in a difficult position, Shepard,” Tevos said. “You are working for Cerberus—an avowed enemy of the Council. This is treason, a capital offence.”

“That’s too far!” Anderson roared. “Shepard is a hero. I’m on this Council, too, and I won’t let this whitewash continue!”

Actually there’s no whitewash there.  He IS working for Cerberus.  Daft cunt.  Is there any reason he was so quick to jump on board without thinking of the consequences with the Alliance and Council?

Meh, thinking out long term repercussions is hard work.

Yup…also please bring me some paper towels.

Eventually they compromise and give him his Spectre status back before heading out.

The Council’s holograms blinked out but Dalo’s hologram didn’t.

“Commander I wish to talk to you about this matter in privet. Meet me by the Krogan statue in an hour.” he said.

After that Udina comes in, Anderson sends him to his room without his supper, and Anderson and Shepard talk.

Shepard smiled at the last bit. But then realised something. “Two years ago you were basically planning to go against Alliance orders to get me out of the Citadel. Now… Now you can’t even look me in the eyes. Haven’t I done enough to gain your trust?”

“What am I suppose to think, Shepard?” Anderson pushed himself off of the railing. “We thought you were dead two years ago. Now you reappear after two years in Cerberus company. And that’s just not it. You always had a mysterious side to you. Then there are the rumours that your not even human. Tell me, what am I supposed to think?”

“Look David I don’t like this any more than you do but that’s the situation. I woke up finding myself with the worst criminals in the galaxy it makes me more than sick working with them.”

“Why? That’s what I want to know. Why?”

Oh let me guess.  “I can’t tell you.”  “You should’ve thought I was doing the right thing.”  “I don’t need to explain myself to-”

Shepard breathed in heavily. There was no longer any option. He had to tell him. Looking over to Garrus he gave a small nod. The Turian gave a nod in reply.

“Mordin I need your help with something.” he said before walking out with the doctor close behind him.

“Shepard?” Anderson asked.

John walked into the middle of the room and activated his omni-tool. A second later it close down and he turned to face the human councillor.

“What I’m going to tell you can’t leave this room.”

The captain approached him and stood in front of him. “What is it?”

Without warning John placed his hand of on Anderson’s shoulder and both their eyes glowed a bright white for a minute before they turned back to normal. The councillor backed up a few paces in awe of what he just witnessed.

“My god. You’ve been keeping this secret for over twenty years?” he asked.


The Capitan shook his head he wanted to be angry at the commander but he knew that John did it for understandable reasons.

“Well I can understand now. For what it’s worth I’m sorry and you have my full support.”

“Thank you. But I need to go the galaxy won’t save itself.” he said before leaving.

Anderson sat in his chair to think. The boy he found all those years ago was just a refuge who was looking out for revenge. It all seemed like a fantasy story to him. But now he knew different.

…Did that just happen?

I think it did.

HOLY SHIT!  Gold star EP!  You didn’t keep up the Status Quo and make Shepard look like a massive douche for no reasons other than SHHHHHHH SEKRET!   Wow, good on you.  Good on you!

Dalo sat on a bench looking at the Krogan statue. He may have not have been their during the Krogan rebellions but he always thought there would have been another way. Just then Shepard sat down next to him.

“Councilor.” he said.

“Command glad you could make it.” Dalo replied.

“What’s this about?”

“It’s about the Reapers Commander. When the STG examined Sovereign they discovered radiation signatures that are not present in Geth tech. Its the same thing with the Asari scientists. But as you may have seen from Velarn’s behaviour he just refused to accept it.”

Ok, small nitpick.  We learned in the third game that Valern isn’t the Turian Councilor’s name, it’s the Salarian’s.  You should’ve known this by now, but the Council isn’t being portrayed as a bunch of one dimensional assholes.  This really is nothing short of astounding.  I mean, for all his flaws, EP is learning, even if it’s just a little.



“I understand the fact about the Reapers is scary.”

“Well he’s gone further than Travos and me had expected. He’s paid off people too keep quiet about this and he forged our signatures to do it. He’s even got concrete evidence that we’ve been in back room deal’s.”

“So if you go to the authority you could be hanged.”

“Yes. For the time being we just can’t do anything until concrete evidence is found.”

“Well I’ll do my best councillor.” Shepard said getting up.

“Good luck Commander from all of us.” Dalo said as the Commander walked away.

…ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME!?  The Turian Councilor has gone from being a dick, to burying evidence, committing forgery and BLACKMAILING Tevos and Valern?  I mean…Jesus Christ, Jesus FUCKING Christ I thought InHarmsWay royally fucked up his portrayal of the Council, you flat out turned Sparatus into a cartoon villain!  Hey, remember at the start of Mass Effect 3 where he was the FIRST Councilor that went to Shepard about sending military support to Earth, and he was the ONLY one with a good reason for why he didn’t right away.  IE, his HOMEWORLD WAS GETTING INVADED TOO!  He fucking SPEARHEADED the cure for the Genophage movement, while the Salarian government, which you think would have their values represented in Valern, tried to fucking BURY it!

Also, a couple of other things.  It never said that Sparatus forged evidence that Tevos and Valern were in back room deals, so I can only assume that they actually DID them.  Also what kind of back room deals?  And if Shepard KNOWS that he can get Council support if Sparatus is taken out of the picture, why not have his magical A.I.s start hacking and delete the evidence he has?  And why, for the love of fucking Christ, is Sparatus so keen on burying this?  I know that he’s a jackass but for FUCK’S SAKE he can be reasoned with!  He is not a zealot who wants to thrust away anything that violates the sanctity of his little happy place.  That’s more what you do Shepard you entitled little shit!  FUCK’S SAKE I can feel myself getting dumber!

Then again that video describes the whole story accurately.

You ok there champ?

Seriously, you’re getting red in the face.

Cornelia, can I see your sword please?


All right, all right!

Shepard joined Garrus and Mordian in the docking bay.

“How did the meeting go.” Garrus asked.

“About as well as it could of. Apparently the Asari and Salarian councillor’s believe me but they are being blackmailed no to do anything about the Reapers.”

“If they are being blackmailed they should go to the proper authority’s.” Mordian quickly said.

“The only problem is that there’s evidence that can incriminate them. So if they step out of line the news brakes out on the public.”

“Damn I would not like to be in there shoes right now.” a voice said that make all three look around.

Shepard immediately used his scenes to find the person who spoke. He smiled and quickly pushed his elbow backward causing a man in a black trench coat to de cloak and moan loudly in pain.

“Keep trying Solvan.” he said turning to face the man.

“If you keep doing that my ribs will brake.”

Then stop sneaking up on him like that, you asshole!

Seriously, it’s only fun when Kasumi does it.  And even then she knows well enough not to overstay her welcome.

“I see that some Council still doesn’t believe you. Bastards. I came to deliver something to you.” he held out a large box with an four winged eagle holding a crown and a sword on the top. He passed it to Shepard. “It’s your father’s armour.”

Shepard nearly dropped the box. “Y-You found it?”

“Yes. Salvage teams recovered it, repaired it and upgraded it.”

“I can understand sentimentality,” Mordin said while looking at the box. “But this armour must be over twenty years old. Antiquated.”

Shepard laughed at the comment. “This is the most advance armour in the galaxy. Thank you, Aether. You have no idea what it means to have my father’s armour back.”

How is decade old armor most advanced in galaxy?  Impossible.  Nonsensical.  Created by who?

Mordin, stop using logic, this is From Another World.

Seriously hope he wasn’t wearing that armor when it was on that EXPLODING SPACE STATION!  There’s repairing something, and then there’s reconstructing something.  Unless it’s made out of stulium.

Wouldn’t put it past him.

Solvan then looked at him with a grim look. “We also found these.” he held out two curved blades the size of a large knife. They also had a patten of a rose on it. Shaking Shepard took them and looked at them. Garrus noticed tears forming in his eyes.

“Did you find the other one?”

“No those where all we found.”

We’re gonna get Shepard angsting about his dead sisters next chapter aren’t we?


Goody.  Well the chapter just about ends there.  Now if you don’t mind, I need to take out my frustration on some baby *Zap* OW!

Back off!  Just back off!  Yeah, got the plasma eye working!  Now stay the Hell away from my seals.

Um, see you next time.  I have a situation to defuse.

51 Comments on “503: From Another World – Chapters 19 & 20”

  1. TacoMagic says:

    OHHHHHHHHH a juicer!

    Give that Juicer a M.O.M. implant. Juicer’s love those.

    • Herr Wozzeck says:

      I thought juicers liked D.A.D. implants. I mean, aren’t the M.O.M. implants the ones that can get hyper controlling if you’re not careful?

      • SC says:

        And B.R.O. implants just overpower the damn thing, but make it useless at what it’s actually supposed to do.

  2. TacoMagic says:

    After taking a shit on his precious moral code, Shepard jumps out and slaughters the freelance mercs that were working for a three digit paycheck and were flat out being used as cannon fodder. Oh yeah, you must feel so badass.

    I have that moment in every free-roaming game I play. I’m out there, sneaking around and blowing away the mooks without getting touched and start to think “Damn, I’m awesome, but I need something challenging!”

    Typically I go out in search of said challenge… usually with starter weapons and barely any armor.

    Next thing I know my corpse is being dragged back to the Cazador nest.

    • erttheking says:

      Time to pull out Vance’s 9mm SMG and start spraying.

      And yeah, after rereading that complaint the situation just seems a little pathetic. Those mercenaries were working for chump change and Shepard and co were slaughtering them en mass. I mean it was a little messed up in the game especially after we learn that people like that stupid kid were signing up, but you could argue that they were a legitimate threat considering how they managed to get into Garrus’ base, depriving him of his defensive position and threatening to overwhelm him. Here, he has two dozen guys on his side, that makes no sense. It’s like what Yahtzee said about Batman once “It’s a rich privileged man beating the tar out of poverty stricken young man.” Normally we gloss over that because of how well written the character is, but when that falls away we start to notice shit like that.

      Also, why would anyone take 500 credits for a mission to storm a FORTRESS! I mean I could see how the main merc groups could sucker in freelancers in the game “Hey, want some easy money? 500 creds just to storm a place with one guy” but I don’t think that they’re stupid enough to do it when 24 guys are manning the base. Speaking of which, if there are 24 guys manning the base, how did those freelancers even get in there in the first place? In game, Garrus had been going at it for days and was starting to mess up and was all on his own They should’ve massacred them before they reached the front door.

      • TacoMagic says:

        Honestly, I’m more in favor of the subtle touch that can only be achieved with a grenade launcher and a riot shotgun.

      • erttheking says:

        I have no problem with that, it’s just with the bugs it’s hard to aim when they’re buzzing all over the place. I need something to spray and pray with. Emphasis on PRAY!

      • TacoMagic says:

        I don’t know, the riot shotgun is pretty good at the spraying. You’ll hit everything with it. Bugs, the ground, rocks, your companion, that idiot ranger who decides to come help right when you start shooting…

      • OT but I thought it was funny – I’m looking through the program for Dragon*Con and in the Armory Programming Track they have a panel called “The AR-15/M16 – It’s Like Barbie for Guys”.

      • TacoMagic says:

        Hmm… the Barbie has way more accessories than an M16.

        I think it’d be more like a Raggedy Ann for Guys.

      • Raggedy Ann doesn’t have any accessories, though – unless you count Raggedy Andy.

      • TacoMagic says:

        My knowledge of dolls is kinda lacking. Maybe more like a discontinued Disney princess set? There’s a modest collection of accessories, but if you want anything new or fancy you gotta make it yourself or buy custom stuff that could be kinda dodgey or not fit correctly.

      • I would go with Jem and the Holograms dolls from the Eighties – they were bigger than Barbie so none of the clothes or shoes were interchangeable and there was only a limited selection of Jem accessories available.

      • Ooh, here’s one some of our authors could benefit from attending – “Pronoun Hell: Who Did What with Whom for How Many Cookies?”

      • I gotta go to this one! – “FanFiction: Rule 34 in the House! Discussion about all the different types of FanFiction, including your favorites.”

      • On second thought, a room full of fic authors sounds terrifying.

      • SC says:

        The thought of a room full of fic authors, and I’m the one badfic MSTer of the bunch, is terrifying.

        It’d be essentially sending a criminal to the gallows on my end.

  3. he held out two curved blades the size of a large knife

    :holds hands up, palms facing each other:

    So the knives are about this big, then?

  4. Herr Wozzeck says:

    A man in a black man stood in the corner of the room unsure on how to fathom what he just witnessed.

    ACK! It’s a living human matryoshka doll! Run for the hills, children! Run for the hills!

  5. Lord Tyrannus says:

    “Both incidents may drive me to record a webcam video to capture my rage.”

    (*grabs popcorn and soda*)

    Does the Library have a liquid butter dispenser? I can’t eat non-buttered popcorn when I’m watching people rage.

    • Herr Wozzeck says:

      Unfortunately you might not get that chance, as EclipsePheniox ended up deleting the chapter as it was originally after I bitched about it in a long review where I did say some variation on “you need to stop writing”.

      Yeah, I actually told Ert about that. Believe me, I was fucking livid at what happened with that chapter initially.

  6. Herr Wozzeck says:

    “I see that some Council still doesn’t believe you. Bastards. I came to deliver something to you.” he held out a large box with an four winged eagle holding a crown and a sword on the top. He passed it to Shepard. “It’s your father’s armour.”

    Shepard nearly dropped the box. “Y-You found it?”

    “Yes. Salvage teams recovered it, repaired it and upgraded it.”

    “I can understand sentimentality,” Mordin said while looking at the box. “But this armour must be over twenty years old. Antiquated.”

    Shepard laughed at the comment. “This is the most advance armour in the galaxy. Thank you, Aether. You have no idea what it means to have my father’s armour back.”


    Wait a second…

    Shepard laughed at the comment. “This is the most advance armour in the galaxy. Thank you, Aether. You have no idea what it means to have my father’s armour back.”

    Thank you, Aether.




    God damn it, he did it again!!

  7. SC says:

    Chapter 19:  Archangel and the Angle of Death

    You know, I have a bad experience with angles…

    I’m over it, of course, but I’m never MSTing a Quotev story again, let’s be clear.

  8. SC says:

    HOLY SHIT!  Gold star EP!  You didn’t keep up the Status Quo and make Shepard look like a massive douche for no reasons other than SHHHHHHH SEKRET!   Wow, good on you.  Good on you!

    Well, if you’re going to suck at something, you might as will put some effort into it.

  9. SC says:

    You remember how that one kid at the start of Garrus’ recruitment mission bought a pistol for 50 credits?  Apparently all of these people shop at the same store.  And apparently you get what you pay for.

    Crap-quality firearms that will either jam or explode in your hand if you look at it wrong?

    • TacoMagic says:

      Or ones that get stuck on the “miss” setting.

      • I think that’s more of an operator error than a problem with the equipment.

      • SC says:

        Not if you’re a Storm Trooper.

        All guns are calibrated poorly according to Imperial standard, and all soldiers are required to be near-blind in one eye to be marksmen.

        Any man who hits a target is executed by the Sith.

      • Official Stormtrooper Training Programme Manual

        Step 1. Obtain sharp stick
        Step 2. Poke self in eye (Just one!)

        Congratulations, you have completed the Official Stormtrooper Training Programme!

      • SC says:

        Coincidentally, the Stormtrooper training program is how I ended up in glasses.

        It was during the eye exam. They tried to shoot the eye drops at my face and had surprisingly good aim… Unfortunately.

  10. erttheking says:

    Hey Herr, I don’t think we’re gonna get a chance to experience the idiocy of Chapter 41 first hand. Should I drop the bomb?

  11. erttheking says:

    Right. The stupid twist was that in the Lair of the Shadow Broker, Liara got kidnapped.

    • SuperFeatherYoshi says:

      “We’ve got self absorbed doucebag, his worshipers, MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Cerberus, a crazy bitch who may end up raping Shepard (FUCKING CLASSY) and random assholes who exist only to get beat up. I am rooting for NO ONE!”

      Well… You can always side with the Reapers to kidnap women.