251: Parallel Realities – Chapter Fifteen and More Author Art

Title: Parallel Realities
Author: InHarmsWay
Media: Video Game
Topic:  Mass Effect
Genre: Supernatural/Romance/AU
URL: Parallel Realities: Chapter 15
Bonus URL: Nexus
Critiqued by Herr Wozzeck

Hello children, and welcome to the last installment of the first third of Parallel Realities. We already have a ton of massive plot holes here, and we have one more chapter of stupidity to burn through in the Mass Effect 1 arc. And then, we can move on to other things so I can catch my breath for the ME2 arc.

And once we get into the ME2 arc… I might actually have to break the snarking of that in two parts. The thing about the ME2 arc is that not only do the chapters start getting progressively longer, but the ME2 arc takes up every single chapter from Chapter 16 to Chapter 36. As you can imagine, this results in several pacing gaffes, which actually kind of makes me ask why the hell InHarmsWay felt he needed to cram the first two games and a prospective look at the third game into one fic. I mean… have you seen the second game? That one has so much shit to cover that trying to cover it all in a compressed manner is going to result in a lot of pacing gaffes.

But we’ll get to that when we get there. For now, we just have one last chapter to go in terms of the ME1 arc. So let’s dive right in.

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