85: The late arrival – One Shot

Title: The late arrival
Author: redroses123
Media: Television / Comic Book
Topic: X-Men: Evolution
Genre: Romance
URL: The late arrival
Critiqued by Ghostcat

There are almost as many different kinds of bad fanfics as there are bad fanfic writers – each a beautiful and unique snowflake of failure.

One of the more common is the Wall-O-Text, where the author has made little or no effort to break up the rambling narrative into coherent (or at least manageable) chunks. (Taco’s Blood of the Ancients is an excellent example.) My offering to the Library this week is my very first Wall-O-Text; it is not as long as Blood so it’s probably more like a Brick-O-Text.

Damn, these things are hard to read in their unaltered states – my eyes kept skittering over the dense cube of words like a car with bald tires on an icy road.

:places large bottle of aspirin next to keyboard:

I’ve been going through these things like they were Altoids.

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