2092: ZERO HOUR – Intro and Chapter One (One Shot)

Author: jameron4eva
Media:  Movie / Television
Topic: Underworld / Terminator / That 70’s Show
Genre: Crossover / Romance / Sci-Fi
URL: Intro
Critiqued by Lyle

You guys ready for this?

*cracks knuckles*

Welcome to ZERO HOUR, because apparently I like fics with all caps titles.  ZH hails from the confusing “crossover” section of ff.net.  As you’ve probably noticed from the stats up there, it is a crossover of Underworld, Terminator, and, I shit you not, That 70’s Show.  I’ll do a very brief SC-Style Infodump for you guys before we dive in.

I’ve covered Underworld on here before but it was a few years ago.  Underworld is a supernatural vampire/werewolf franchise starring Kate Beckinsale and Kate Beckinsale’s bustier.  It’s about vampires and werewolves that are trying to kill each other due to old feuds.  Then a hybrid of the two species is created, more shit hits more fans, and we get a few sequels and a prequel.  I might seem a little derisive, but I actually really like the Underworld series.  The most you really need to know is that it’s about sexy vampires and sexy werewolves having sexy-times and fighting each other.

Terminator, for those living under a rock, is a franchise about robots known as terminators being sent through time to kill off the ancestors of the people who will eventually defeat the sentient robot overlords that tried to destroy humanity.  The first ones star the former governor of California, hence why everyone called him The Governator when he was in office.  I don’t know much about the rest of the movies or the shows that have spun off it, but it’s all about the same general idea.  Skynet wants to take over the world and kill off all the humans.  Humans don’t want this to happen.  A few terminators get their wires crossed and want to help humanity.  The Conner family is important.

Now, a crossover of Terminator and Underworld isn’t very far fetched.  If Skynet can send a robot back in time, why not into another dimension or reality?  Where this story gets weird is the inclusion of That 70’s Show.

T70S was a prime-time sitcom about a group of high school aged kids in the 1970’s, and the shenanigans they get into during the course of their young lives.  It has absolutely nothing to do with either of the incredibly dark themes of the other source materials.  It’s the show that started the careers of Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, and Laura Prepon.

This particular story caught my eye not only because it was the only Underworld/T70S crossover on FF.net, but also because the summary is as batshit as the premise.

Let’s do this thing.

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