AdmiralSakai Is Still Not Dead

It comes to my attention that I have now spent more than two months without actually posting any new riffs here. This has nothing to do with my IRL situation, which is basically unchanged, and everything to do with my kicking into high gear a few other writing projects that have consumed a lot of my free time. Those also have produced no visible results as of yet, but that’s just because I am waiting on cover art; I actually have a full story just done and sitting on my hard drive.

This matters to the Library because I typically riff an entire ‘fic at once, scheduling multiple riffs on consecutive weeks, so there’s a fairly long time delay between when I want to riff something and when you actually see it. So a project that was consuming all of my interest back when I was still riffing First War just getting done now means that the riffs I am currently writing… probably won’t be visible for a while yet. But they are coming!

These fairly long absences between riffs will probably be a thing for the foreseeable future now that I am actually getting a response to my stories on fimfiction and giving them higher priority, but it will also give people something to read in between riffs. If, you know, you like magical technicolor talking horses whacking things with swords and engaging in political intrigue.