385: Parallel Realities – Chapter Thirty-Seven Part One

Title: Parallel Realities
Author: InHarmsWay
Media: Video Game
Topic:  Mass Effect
Genre: Supernatural/Romance/AU
URL:  Parallel Realities: Chapter 37
Critiqued by Herr Wozzeck

Oh hello once again, children, and welcome back to the snarking of Parallel Realities. The break was fun while it lasted, but unfortunately it didn’t last forever. (Which is a shame: I actually kind of liked talking to the thesaurus while it sat in the hospital bed throughout the week.) Besides, this fic needs to be finished, so… yeah.

Now we get into the ME3 arc, and boy are you in for it now. If you thought the first two arcs of this fic were bad, then brace yourselves: that was only the warm-up round. The ME3 arc of this fic is a complete train wreck. It is so bad it’s not even funny. It is so canon-breaking you will wonder why anyone who calls themselves a Mass Effect fan would like it. And above all, the ME3 arc of Parallel Realities is so stupid that it (and, in retrospect, the entire fic) makes My Immortal look like a well-plotted story.

Yeah. The ME3 arc of this story is that bad.

So to kick us off we have a two-part installment. Why? Well, because Chapter 37 is way too long for one day. So we’ll tackle it in two parts. But I do have to warn you, this will be a hell of a doozy thanks to the fact that Parallel Realities jumps the shark in this chapter.

So let’s get started, shall we?

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