257: Udina gets some Advise – One Shot

Title: Udina gets some Advise
Author: Madman123456
Media: Video Game
Topic:  Mass Effect
Genre: Suspense/Drama
URL: Udina gets some Advise
Critiqued by Herr Wozzeck

Hello again, children. Over the course of my next few updates, we’re going to take a break from Parallel Realities. Thank Jesus. I’m gonna need the break if I’m gonna survive the ME2 arc.

So for this break, I’m actually going to be snarking two separate fics, mostly because one of them is a oneshot. (The next time we get a break from Parallel Realities, you probably won’t be so lucky.) The first one is crazy, and the second one is completely batshit insane.

So we’ll be tackling both of those two fics before we get back to Parallel Realities.

First up… we have:

Udina gets some Advise

This is a fic that’s intended to be Udina bashing, but ends up somewhere totally different by virtue of just how bat-shit insane the logic presented is. I mean, seriously, the logic presented almost approaches Stupard levels of terrible and non-sensical, it’s so bad.

And oh hey, the grammar is bad in the title! Surely, this is a sign that our sanity will remain intact at the end of this!

Let’s dig right in.

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