157: Good Girl Bad attitude – Chapter Two, Part Two

Title: Good Girl Bad attitude
Author: hot-chick down under
Media: Television
Topic: House M.D.
Genre: Adventure/Romance
URL: Good Girl Bad attitude: Chapter Two
Critiqued by Frozenpoodlemeat

Happy Saturday and welcome to another installment of the insanity that is Serenity, aka Triple X.  If you recall from last week, Cameron was in the middle of attacking House.  Without further ado, here is the second part of chapter two.

  “Ouch, you are hurting my arm Cameron, let go before I whack you with my cane” threatened House

“You won’t have a chance to do that because I will break your arm before I hit the ground, so don’t tempt me”

Cameron let go and went back to sorting out the mail when Foreman and Chase walked through the door, none the wiser.

So she twisted House’s arm and threatened to break him until her coworkers showed up, and then she quickly dropped House and pretended that she had been sorting mail the whole time?  And she’s not fired right now because???

House was totally caught off guard, how did Cameron do that?

What?  Drop you?  Well, it was pretty easy since gravity does most of the work.  How she flew over to the desk across the room in mere seconds?  Your guess is as good as mine.

Even Cameron was shocked, where did that sudden move came from? The rest of the day was full of clinic duty since they did not get any new cases. Cameron had left to meet her niece at the airport leaving House alone to ponder about this morning’s events when Wilson came in with the impression something happened between him and Cameron.

“What’s up with you, you look like someone had just turned around and twisted your arm” asked Wilson

“That’s because someone DID twist my arm and it really hurts”

Wow, I guess this version of Wilson is psychic.  Since House and his underlings were in the clinic all day and this is the first time Wilson has seen House all day, it’s kinda amazing that he just knows something happened between House and Cameron.



“WHAT! HOW, WHEN, WHY?” asked Wilson who was shocked to the core, he knew that Cameron was angry with him but she wouldn’t take it all the way by physically hurting him, but still he got to hand it to her she was standing up for herself he didn’t know she had it in her.

Really?  Cameron twisting House’s arm is going to rock the core of his universe?  I seriously doubt that.


“What do you mean wow?”

“Didn’t know she had the guts to do something about it”

“She has changed

It’s amazing what that one little pep talk from Triple X can do, I mean Cameron is totally changed.  Also, it wouldn’t hurt the author of this story to change and maybe learn to use a period or two.

“What do you expect House? She is fed up with you, there’s only so much a woman can put up with, if you don’t treat her with respect she will treat you the same way”

“I don’t treat anyone with respect”

“Well in that case she’s giving you a dose of your own medicine, I think it may have something to do with that conversation with her niece that she had the other night”

Yup, Wilson knows about that little pep talk, even though there is no reason that he should know.  Obviously, he really is psychic.


“No her fairy godmother, of cause Serena!”

Wow, that is the best undercover name ever!  It’s not even close to her real name at all and no one would ever guess who she really is.

“She starts work here tomorrow”

“From what Cameron says, she’s a whole lot worse and is capable of much more hurtful things then what Cameron did to you this morning”

That sounds just like the sort of person who should be treating patients in our hospital!

“Maybe she got it off her, I’ll confront her about that”

“Not a good idea, you should watch yourself when you are around Cameron and Serena”

Remind me again why on earth anyone would want Triple X anywhere near them?  Also, I still don’t think we want Serenity near the patients.

House just stared at him as he walked out of the room. House got on his motorbike and headed straight for home, it looks like he was going to call one of his hookers and get smashed tonight.

Despite what this author seems to believe, writing is not about trying to use as many tenses as possible in one paragraph.

But for most of the night he couldn’t take pleasure in his usual distraction because all he could think about was Cameron and imagining it was Cameron he was having sex with until he just couldn’t take it. He sent the hooker home with five hundred bucks in her wallet while his dreams was haunted by Cameron.

This is disturbing on several levels and makes me wonder if House wasn’t actually happy to be dominated by Cameron during the arm-twisting.


Cameron was waiting for Serena outside the airport. Serena appeared wearing a pair of low rider jeans, high heeled boots and a black glittery strapless top that hugged her curves. A pair of black sunglasses on and a silk scarf around her neck while her bright blond hair was out and free flowing. She was all grown up, her mothers looks but her fathers no nonsense attitude she made a lot of male heads turn. Her ipod was turned on so she didn’t even notice the comments or the wolf whistles that was being thrown at her. Cameron was amazed at how nothing fazed her, a confident sway of her hips and a bitchy attitude.

Ok, well aside from the sentence fragments, I have to give the author credit for actually using periods at the ends of her sentences.  I doubt that Serenity is really so piping hot that men outside the airport are making comments and whistling at her.  Maybe this would happen if she was at the LA airport, but I have doubts about this occurring in Newark, New Jersey.  Besides, I think Cameron is pretty hot and still have doubts that Serenity is that much hotter.

“Hi Ally cat, missed you” said Serenity as she hugged her aunty

That has got to be one of my top pet peeve nicknames for Allison.  I just threw up in my mouth a little.  Also, those periods that the author found for the previous paragraph must have been the last ones she had.

“My gosh you have grown, did the you see how many men turned around

“yeah, but I always ignore them, men are pigs, I will wear what I want to wear whenever I want”

I’m still betting that there are no men freaking out over Serenity’s hotness, but Triple X can believe whatever she wants (and dress however she wants).  I do wonder if Serenity ever goes out nude and then wrestles cops who try to arrest her for indecent exposure.

“I did what you said and took the bus up, do you have your own car or something?”

“I have got someone meeting us, he’s a good friend of mine.

“N” who in reality was Major David Rodgers had a spunky, sports car with it’s roof down waiting for Triple X, his department was sent to a secret location by Brown to assist triple X throughout the mission.

“Wait here Ally Cat” Serena said as she walked up to N

“N” how are you?

Ok, so Serenity had someone to pick her up, so why did she make Cameron take a bus to the airport?  It probably took more than an hour, maybe two, for Cameron to get there.  God, I really hate Serenity.  Also, the whole paragraph about Agent N makes no sense at all.  Stay tuned next week for the exciting conclusion of chapter two.

4 Comments on “157: Good Girl Bad attitude – Chapter Two, Part Two”

  1. Sootopolis says:

    “I do wonder if Serenity ever goes out nude and then wrestles cops who try to arrest her for indecent exposure.”

    Haha – awesome!

  2. Kate says:

    “WHAT! HOW, WHEN, WHY?” asked Wilson who was shocked to the core, he knew that Cameron was angry with him but she wouldn’t take it all the way by physically hurting him, but still he got to hand it to her she was standing up for herself he didn’t know she had it in her.”

    Holy run-on sentences, Batman!

  3. Addicted Reader says:

    You’ve obviously never been to Newark. It doesn’t take much.

    The fic didn’t make enough sense for me to be able to comment.

  4. DawnFire says:

    Um…is it just me, or is this a really bad take on James Bond mixed with House?
