21: Flight 815 – Chapter Three

Title: Flight 815
Author: LostLover22
Media: Television
Topic:  Lost
Genre: Adventure/Romance is the listing
URL: Flight 815: Chapter Three
Critiqued by Indy

Onward to chapter 3!  This chapter is a little longer than the previous chapters, so get settled in and comfy.

The chapter begins with Dawn waking up and noticing, or not noticing as the case may be, that it is now dark out.  Her head doesn’t hurt so much and the screaming is gone.  Our dear doctor is hovering over her and is surprised Dawn is awake, but maybe it’s just him trying to hide his disappointment that the pills, tequila, and two head injuries haven’t killed her yet.  Maybe it’s just me.

Dawn, though the story says that it is dark, is confused that time has passed since her second head injury.  This is proof enough that the head injuries have scrambled her brains a bit.  The doctor seems to agree with me, as he seems concerned about her not noticing that it’s gotten fricking dark out.  He proceeds to tell her that a propeller (or the engine intake as I would call it) blew up and that’s why she received her head injury.  While she was unconscious, the doctor asked someone to watch over her in case she woke up.  Not when she woke up, but IN CASE she woke up.  Sounds like the doc was ready to call time of death.  Barely one day on the island and already someone was hoping she would die.

They then talk about the crash and how OMG they crashed, while the doctor finally bandages Dawn’s head wound.  If he was worried that the injury was so severe that she might not wake up, why didn’t he take care of the wound earlier?  Or have the person who was watching her clean and bandage the wound?  It’s not really that hard.

Anyway, the doctor introduces himself, which seems like a good idea.  Then, having finished the bandage, he leaves Dawn to get some sleep.  Um, if she’s got a head wound (or two) shouldn’t Jack (the doctor) check her for a concussion or something?  I could understand if it was a cut on the arm or something, but shouldn’t he be checking her pupils and balance and asking her some more questions?  Oh well, maybe he’s hoping she’ll die during the night so there’s one less mouth to feed.

Dawn then mopes about not being with the cool kids near the fire:

So everyone else gets to be in a group by the fire, and I’m stuck by myself under some trees. Great Dawn.”

Dude, get over yourself.  If you really want to be by the fire, you could ask someone to help you get over there.  I think that someone will be willing to allow head-injury girl to sleep by the fire.  People can’t help you if they don’t know you want help.

Morning breaks gently over the island and Dawn awakens good as new.  Everyone else is still asleep, so Dawn does the logical thing and wanders off alone down to the water.  Sadly, before she can be swept away Sayid shows up.  He must be a gentleman because the first thing he does is introduce himself.  Dawn remembers him from the plane, which I still don’t believe, and they stand in silence for a while watching the sun come up.  I smell romance in the island air.

The blossoming romance screeches to a halt as Jack shows up looking for Dawn.  He lectures her about wandering off with a head injury (see I told you she shouldn’t be wandering around alone).  She blows him and his concern off, and then is disappointed when he goes off to check on other injured passengers.  All I have to say is “duh”.  When you tell the doc that you are fine, he’s going to move on down the triage line.

Alone again, Dawn realizes that she is hungry.  Luckily, Sayid shows up a few moments later with peanuts, fried fish, and a bottle of water.  Putting aside the fact that frying fish would have been difficult at this time, we have to deal with this:

“I know it’s not exactly a continental breakfast, but at least its food.” He said handing me the food. I thanked him and starting eating the fish. I hope I don’t have to eat fish for the rest of my life.I thought to myself and giggled.

“What’s so funny?” Sayid asked raising his eyebrows.

I’m totally with Dawn on not wanting to have to eat fish all the time, but why would she even think this when the plane crashed yesterday?  At this point everyone assumes that rescue is coming soon.  Putting that aside, why on earth does the thought of eating fish everyday make her giggle?

Of course Dawn has to notice all of the characters from the show, because why write yourself into Lost if you aren’t going to hobnob with all the characters.  She observes Sun and Jin, though we aren’t told who they are.  Sayid gets bored at this point and I can’t blame him, so he wanders off to do something.

Dawn looks around, wondering what she should do, when her BFF Shannon shows up.

“Shannon! I thought something had happened to you.” I said.

She nodded in agreement, “I did too! After we crashed I couldn’t find you and I thought you might have died, leaving me stranded here all by myself!”

Typical Shannon. I laughed when she said this and replied, “Well what about Boone? Didn’t you find him?”

She nodded. “Oh yes, he’s over there. But can you imagine, me and him stuck on a deserted island together?”

Shannon apparently is just as confused as Dawn.  Maybe she suffered a head injury, too.  Shannon doesn’t seem to understand what ‘alone’ or ‘deserted’ mean.  If she and Boone were on the island together (and Dawn was dead) Shannon would not be stranded by herself.  As far as deserted goes, none of the passengers have explored the island yet, how would Shannon know it was deserted?  (And spoiler: it’s not a deserted island).

Shannon ignores the fact that Dawn has a head injury and instead focuses on the fact that Sayid brought Dawn breakfast.  Shannon is convinced that Sayid has the hots for Dawn, which leads poor, stupid, injured Dawn to run off into the jungle after Sayid.

Well, that wraps up chapter 3.  Join us next time to find out if Dawn will find Sayid, succumb to her head wound/concussion, or be eaten by polar bears.

3 Comments on “21: Flight 815 – Chapter Three”

  1. :crosses fingers:

    Please let her be eaten by polar bears!

  2. "Lyle" says:

    I vote for “runs smack into a tree and gets another head injury leaving her unconscious between chapters yet again!” Then eaten by polar bears.