2774: A Distastefull Contract – Chapters 1 – 3

Title: A Distastefull Contract
Author: dastardos
Media: Video Game
Topic: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort
URL: Chapter 1
URL: Chapter 2
URL: Chapter 3
Critiqued by Ghostcat




Yello, dear Patrons, and welcome to a brief three ‘chapter’ fic from the Skyrim portion of ff.net! I sifted through some of the shorter fics in the section, which seem to be mostly of the “here’s my player-character doing stuff!” variety with a sprinkle of smut just for fun, just to find it.

Also, there was a “romantic” Hurt/Comfort fic featuring the pairing of an author’s OC and Cicero of all characters. There’s no accounting for tastes, I guess.

Let’s take a look at the summary to see just what we’re in for, shall we?

 What seems to be just another plain old Brotherhood contract turns out to be much more off, and much, much more personal to the Argonian. Noxtain is stuck in a very hard place, do as must and murder his own husband Marcurio, or keep his lover alive and feel the potential wrath of the Brotherhood and The Sweet Nightmother

That is a hell of a lot of much. I wonder if it’s too late to pick one of the smut-fics? There is a six volume epic called “Argonian Spankfest” down towards the bottom of my pile-o-fail.

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