2768: The Continuing Saga of Two Sith Lords – Finale

Title: The Continuing Saga of Two Sith Lords
Author:Master Darth Warious – Lady of Chaos
Media: Book/Movie
Topic: Lord of the Rings/Star Wars/Kitchen Sink
Genre: Adventure / Fantasy / Romance / Hot Mess
URL: The Continuing Saga of Two Sith Lords
Critiqued by TacoMagic

Here we are, patrons, the final chapter!

Like that, but not as much big hair.

Last time we finished up the thrilling fiction!, but not really, but really section.  Not much actually happened aside from a random freeform pity party storming through the fic and leaving an un-undead Kris in its wake.

Now that the last hurrah chapter is over, let’s jump into one of the shortest chapters in the series to finish the whole shebang off!

The continuing Saga of Two Sith Lords Chapter 10

By Maul


Damn, one-eyed, surprised Pikacu also lost his nose.  Dude’s had a rough life.

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