2766: Wings of the Elite, Interlude Three and Chapter Nine

Title: Wings of the Elite
Author: [Redacted at the author’s request]
Topic: Elite Dangerous
Media: Video Game
Genre: Adventure/Sci-fi
URL: No longer available online
Critiqued By Crazy Minh and CMDR Ramnos Ervin

Hello, patrons, and welcome back to Wings of the Elite. This installment would have been out sooner, but a friend of my family died tragically early in February while I was working on this, and I ended up in a bit of a funk for two or three weeks. 

Anyway, with me yet again is Commander Ramnos Ervin, who will be providing a short recap of the last chapter. Ramnos?

Last chapter, Harper Sue went for a drive in the formerly broken SRV; the shapeshifting Thargoid assassin showed up, and went for a spacewalk; and the Thargoid just decided not to kill Harper despite her being trapped inside the wreck of the SRV that she rammed into the Thargoid. The Thargoid was apparently unwounded from this, so there’s no real reason why he shouldn’t have used his plasma rifle to kill Harper once and for all. Oh, and Harper started ripping up her SRV to jury rig something

Alright! Let’s get started on chapter nine…wait a minute, what the fuck is this?

Interlude 3: The Hunt

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