2724: Hope and Pain, Chapter Seven

Title: Hope and Pain
Author:Master Darth Warious – Lady of Chaos
Media: Book/Movie
Topic: Lord of the Rings/Star Wars
Genre: Adventure / Fantasy / Romance / Hot Mess
URL: Hope and Pain
Critiqued by TacoMagic

Hey, patrons, welcome back to the fic that asks that ever important question: how many times can Taco get inexplicably jumped by regurgitation fics?

Well, that, and the question about how many times I can justify using the picture of the lava door.

Anyway, last time the LoTR crew did the Moira thing, ran from the Balrog, and then ended up near to PervyMcElface in Lothlórien.

There was also a Sue trying to do stuff in there somewhere, but that was almost entirely buried under the surge of exposition.

Now, this chapter begins with probably the best thing I’ve ever seen in a fanfiction.

means speaking in Ewok

means speaking in the Force

Now, it’s so great because I did not change anything there.  That is EXACTLY how it’s formatted in the fic.  Which means either Wario forgot to actually include any formatting, or she copied it out of Word and didn’t do any proofing on FF.NET.  If she had, I assume she would have noticed that the HTML parser doesn’t speak MS Word.  It’s a hard thing to miss when it’s the first two fucking lines of your fic.

*Sniff* It’s just so beautiful.

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