2719: Hope and Pain, Chapters Three and Four

Title: Hope and Pain
Author:Master Darth Warious – Lady of Chaos
Media: Book/Movie
Topic: Lord of the Rings/Star Wars
Genre: Adventure / Fantasy / Romance / Hot Mess
URL: Hope and Pain
Critiqued by TacoMagic

Salutations and more different salutations, patrons!  Let’s get back to it!

Last week Suerio Mk2, ShySue, helped juggle hobbits and then everyone just sorta sat around admiring the Sueness of the Sue.  There was also some folded in stuff with Boromir acting like a sexist douchenozzle, but that was mostly just put in to justify righteous indignation.  Oh, they also talked about why ShySue trusted dwarves.  Fortunately, her reason didn’t make any sense so we don’t have to expend much time thinking about it.

Onward to chapter three!

Chapter 3 – The Doors of Moria

Hold up, did we skip past the part where they were chased away from the mountain pass?  That’s an odd thing to skip, but I suppose Wario probably couldn’t figure out a believable way for Saruman to overcome ShySue given the power differential, so it just happened off page.

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