482: resident evil:reborn – Chapter Eight Part 1

Title: resident evil:reborn
Author: Insane Doctor The Insane Shadow Hunter and JudgementDragon25
Media: Video Game / Movie
Topic:  As many video games as you can shake a stick at, and The Land Before Time
Genre: None listed, and really, it’s hard to categorize such fail
URL: Removed from FF.Net.
Critiqued by TacoMagic

Well welcome back, ladies and germs.  This week we’re going to be tackling chapter 8, which ID is calling the second part.  Of chapter 7, I guess.

okay here is part 2 let’s see what happens when more of l4d survivors meet the rest of team we’ll find out soon

Honestly, I have no idea what the hell he’s going for there, but I’m assuming it has something to do with episodic TV shows continuing to poison his writing. I mean, that’s the whole damn point of chapters… they’re all kinda connected and stuff.  You know, seeing as they’re all in the same book and everything.

And if you really wanted all of this to be a single chapter, you can do that.  It’s your fic, guys.

And it’s really odd because chapter 8 is about five times the length of chapter seven.  The damn thing just goes on and on and on.  I’ve even gotta break it into two pieces.

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