187: Red Riding Hood – One Shot

Title: Red Riding Hood
Author: charliemittens
Media: Book
Topic: Red Riding Hood
Genre: Humor
URL: Red Riding Hood – One Shot
Critiqued by Addicted Reader

Hello, dear readers.  Today I’m bringing you a fic that’s a bit odd, but not so bad.  Except for the author’s misuse of commas.  That’s a pet peeve of mine, and to me is a mark of bad writing.

Just to warn you, this will be more of a grammatical snark than a content snark, so if you want a really bad story, come back tomorrow.

So things start off really badly with the summary.  Unlike many of the fics I’ve featured here, the story does actually get better than this, but since the bar is set so low by the summary, that’s not really saying much.

Just an interesting mix of Little Red Riding Hood. It’s time to see just how sweet, Little Red really is…

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