382: Jedi – Chapters Two and Three

Title: Jedi
Author: Colorado Kid
Media: Movies/Cartoon
Topic:  Star Wars/My Little Pony
Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi
URL: Jedi Chapter 2
URL: Jedi Chapter 3
Critiqued by Herr Wozzeck

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome back to part two of the Jedi snarking. Now, this is where this particular snarking will end (See? I told you it would be shorter than the NWO fic.). Now, you might be wondering “but Herr, isn’t it a bit early to end this fic?”

Well… Jedi is unfinished, actually, and it’s an extreme case of dead fic. The last update was in 2004, so it’s not likely that this thing will ever be updated again. In lieu of that…

Well, it makes it easier for me, you know? Let’s jump right into the action!

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378: Jedi – Chapter One

Title: Jedi
Author: Colorado Kid
Media: Movies/Cartoon
Topic:  Star Wars/My Little Pony
Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi
URL: Jedi: Chapter 1
Critiqued by Herr Wozzeck

Oh hello again, ladies and gentlemen, and Happy New Year to all of you! It’s actually kinda hilarious, here, ’cause for me, we’re actually going to be snarking at a new fic today. This time, we’ll have a short fic to tackle that will be done in two parts.

What is this fic? Why, it’s a crossover between MLP and Star Wars. Now, this is actually G1 My Little Pony rather than the better known Friendship is Magic, but I doubt it really matters much. The first two chapters spend a lot of time in the Star Wars canon and MLP is only tagged on as an afterthought, so I don’t think it’ll make that much difference (though it will be a shame, what with not being able to rage at FIM getting violated).

And I think there will be one question that you will be asking when this is all over:


Well… let’s get started with this, shall we? This fic isn’t gonna snark itself, you know!

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