2630: The Shadow Warriors – Chapter 40

Title: The Shadow Warriors
Author: Shadow knight1121
Media: Comic book
Topic: “Justice League” (Batman)
Genre: Crime / Mystery
URL: Chapter 40
Critiqued by BatJamags (GoodJamags), Kane, and Lady Adelaide

Hello once again, patrons! I’m your guest host, GoodJamags, and I’m back with more Dorkiness, and possibly some patrolling.

Kane: *Sigh*

Also Kane, and he brought a friend again.

*Kane is cradling his head in his hands. Next to him is a woman in ornate plate armor. Her hair is blood red with streaks of grey beginning to show, but her face looks like that of a woman in her early twenties, and perhaps a little too smooth.*

Kane: Wasn’t Revenore supposed to be here?

?: Yes, but I told him I’d tag along and he suddenly realized he had a prior obligation. Funny, that.

Kane: Sometimes I think he might be smarter than I am. Imbecile and assorted patrons, this is Lady Adelaide.

Adelaide: Charmed.

Kane: Our party’s other resident psychopath.

Adelaide: Don’t be so melodramatic, Kanie.

Kane: Even at my worst, I’ve never seen fit to bathe in the blood of innocent children.

Adelaide: This is exactly what I’m talking about. You know as well as I do that I stopped doing that years ago when I realized it was conferring no noticeable health benefits.

Uh, guys?

Kane: I think that could have been safely assumed.


Adelaide: And for that matter, the ritual technically called for the blood of virgins, with no prescription as to age or moral status.

Guys? Fic?

Kane: I imagine I’m meant to be comforted by the knowledge that killing children was your own initiative.

Look, I’m gonna start riffing and you can help or not.

Adelaide: It was really the safest way to ensure compliance with the restrictions. You’re the one who’s always going on about the importance of practicality in our line of work.

Chapter 40: Mind Screws All Around Part: 1

Oh, look at that, a two-parter with a stupid title.

Kane: Committing mass murder for your own vanity is not practical!

Authors Note: Thank you all for your feedback and support I loved everything you reviewed to me. I liked how everyone responded to Hitgirl and Reaper’s on off relationship.

Schwarzenegger reaction images included?

Adelaide: Maybe with your lifespan, dear.

They’re not paying attention to me at all.

Adelaide: Apologies. My intention was not to be rude; my friend is just excited.

*Kane stews in impotent rage*

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